Joseph A. Fry AKA Joseph Andrew Fry Born: 21-May-1947
Gender: Male Race or Ethnicity: White Occupation: Historian Nationality: United States Executive summary: Dixie Looks Abroad University: BA, Davis and Elkins College (1969) University: MA, University of Virginia (1970) University: PhD, University of Virginia (1974) Professor: History, University of Nevada at Las Vegas (1975-2013)
Author of books:
Henry S. Sanford: Diplomacy and Business in Nineteenth Century America (1982, biography) John Tyler Morgan and the Search for Southern Autonomy (1992, biography) Dixie Looks Abroad: The South and U.S. Foreign Relations, 1789-1973 (2002, international affairs) Debating Vietnam: Fulbright, Stennis, and Their Senate Hearings (2006, history) The American South and the Vietnam War: Belligerence, Protest, and Agony (2015, history)
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