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Pablo Neruda

Pablo NerudaAKA Neftalí Ricardo Reyes Basoalto

Born: 12-Jul-1904
Birthplace: Parral, Chile
Died: 23-Sep-1973
Location of death: Santago, Chile [1]
Cause of death: Cancer - Prostate
Remains: Buried, Casa de Isla Negra, Santiago, Chile

Gender: Male
Religion: Roman Catholic
Race or Ethnicity: Hispanic
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Poet

Nationality: Chile
Executive summary: Residencia en la Tierra

Probably Latin America's greatest poet.

[1] Santa Maria Clinic, Santiago, Chile

Father: José del Carmen Reyes
Mother: Rosa Basoalto (d. 1904)
Wife: Maria Antonieta Hagenaar (Dutch, m. 1930, div. 1936, one daughter)
Daughter: Malva Marina (b. 1934, d. 1942, with Hagenaar)
Wife: Delia del Carril (m. 1943, div. 1955)
Wife: Matilde Urrutia (m. 1966, until his death)

    University: University of Chile

    Chilean Ambassador to France
    Nobel Prize for Literature 1971
    Lenin Peace Prize 1953
    Traveled to the USSR Jun-1949
    Traveled to the USSR May-1967
    Traveled to the USSR May-1970
    Prostate Surgery Jul-1973
    Autopsy Sep-1973
    Exhumed 8-Apr-2013
    Risk Factors: Gout, Obesity, Prostate Cancer

Author of books:
Crepusculario (1923, poetry)
Veinte Poemas de Amor y una Canci�n Desesperada (1924, poetry)
Tentativa del Hombre Infinito (1926, poetry)
Anillos (1926, poetry, with Tom�s Lago)
El Hondero Entusiasta (1933, poetry)
Residencia en la Tierra, 1925�1931 (1933, poetry)
Residencia en la Tierra, 1925�35 (1935, poetry, 2 vols.)
Espa�a en el Coraz�n (1937, poetry)
Canto General (1950, poetry)
Alturas de Macchu Picchu (1943, poetry)
Tercera Residencia, 1935�45 (1947, poetry)
Odas Elementales (1954, poetry)
Confieso que he Vivido (1974, memoir)

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